Sunday, July 20, 2008

Fishers of Men

So, I hope you can all appreciate the cleverness of my blog title by the end of this blog. On tuesday we went to a city on the coast and did some "street witnessing." We traveled most of the day and arrived at the beach at about 4pm. We broke into 3 groups and walked along the beach talking with people we ran into and making conversation with them and then directing that conversation to a presentation of the gospel. It is pretty easy to get people to talk with us here because I'm pretty sure about 90% of the people here have never seen a white person. They always stare at us where ever we go. It is kinda funny. Anyways, tuesday brandon and I and our translator were able to talk with a couple of university students who were muslim and a lady and her son who were both muslim and were able to share the gospel with them.

Wednesday we did the same thing. We went to 3 different beaches and broke into 3 groups again and just walked up and down the beaches talking with people and sharing the gospel with them. Tuesday and Wednesday were both neat experiences. It was a little stretching for me beacuse that isn't my personality to just talk to people and share the gospel and then leave never to see them again, but I'm also really glad that people who have never heard the gospel have now heard it. God's Word does not return void. Oh, and just in case anyone was wondering, the Indian Ocean is cold even though we are in the tropics. Go figure.

The next couple of days we are going to be teaching english at a local school and doing who knows what else. Saying plans are tentative here in Indonesia is being pretty generous I think. Please continue to pray for my team and me as we finish out our last few days here. We are leaving thrusday morning. Pray that we would finish strong and stay focused on our tasks here.

1 comment:

rachel said...

i am so glad you have a blog.

its cool to read about what god is doing through you guys.

and i miss you.