Thursday, October 16, 2008

GRE, Work, and Life in General

Today I took the GRE. For all those inquisitive folk who may be wondering what that is, it is basically the SATs for grad school. It is filled with many big words which even someone of my immense knowledge and vocab had no idea what they meant. It also has lots of fun math problems, which, even if I didn't know exactly how to figure the problem out, I at least had an idea of what it was asking...more than I can say for some of the vocab questions. Anyways, I ended up getting a 650 on the math and a 560 on the vocab sections and someone has to read the two essays I wrote and grade them. If anyone out there can tell me what a good GRE score is that would be awesome, cuz I have no idea if I did well or not.

I am still looking for a permanent job, although I have found temporary work for the past couple of weeks. I have been working with a geologist whose goes to my church up at an old gold mine building big filters to filter zinc out of the water up there. He is a great guy to work with and for, so it has been a lot of fun. I don't know how long the fun is going to last though, so I'm still praying God allows me to get a job here sometime.

As for life in general, it is good i guess. These past two weeks it seems like most of what I do is work and sleep and just find enough time to get those little things done that you have to do every day. I'm glad to be busy though and making money instead of sitting around all day on my butt. I have also been busy following the election and the debates and stuff. Today I was saying how Obama is such a weasel and my brother Trevor said that he has a much more endearing term that he refers to him as...he failed to say exactly what it was (we were at the dinner table and I'm going to go with it wasn't appropriate at said place and time). All in all I don't like watching the debates because they are so boring and full of lies and half truths, although I thought the saddleback forum was great. Anyways, go McCain!! Well, I gotta go grab my laundry. Peace.

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